Advanced Composition 9.1: Giroux

Today’s Plan:

  • What did you make of Giroux?
  • Toward a Problem
  • Homework


I am interesting in hearing about what passages you focused on in your blogs, and what you had to say.

Toward a Problem

I have put the following prompt into a discussion forum on Canvas:

We are almost done with the second section of this course–reading four works that deal with contemporary problems. Once we get back from break, I will be working with all of you to generate your own reading lists for the final weeks of the course (at least four different sources, approximately 75 pages of reading per week).

We will spend time in class talking about how to develop a research question, what kind of research you want to do, and where, or to whom, you want to deliver that research. In other words, developing a purpose, making a claim, collecting evidence, and targeting an audience.

To get started, I wanted you to do a bit of free-writing on the reading thus far. I will ask that your final project pick up a question/concern/claim made by either Nathan, Arum & Roksa, Giroux, or Nussbaum (who we will be reading for Thursday and over break). So take 10-15 minutes and try to figure out which problem/author you see as a starting point. (Note: many of them comment on the same problem(s), so there is no need to solely focus on one if you see crossover).

I will also be asking you to connect this contemporary problem to an ancient problem with / idea of education. Furthermore, I will be asking you to show how this problem “shows up” in contemporary discussions of education (hence the Chronicle and Inside Higher Ed).


For homework, I will ask you to read Nussbaum, chapter 1 & 2 (pages 1-27).

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