ENG 123 8.1: Annotations, Characters and Actions (Part 2)

Today’s Plan:

  • Attendance
  • Topic Proposals (Check Canvas)
  • Style: Characters and Actions (pgs. 46-50, Ex. 4.1)
  • Workshop: Annotations
  • Homework

Topic Proposals

Please check Canvas to ensure that you have (or haven’t) gotten a grade and seen the feedback on your proposals.

Style and Workshop

In class we will read a bit from the Williams and Bizup book on Style and workshop (read, revise) a few sample annotations.


Read one more scholarly article or book chapter and compose an annotation.

Remember that the annotated bibliography needs to be completed by Monday, March 6th.

Also, remember that we will not be meeting in class next week. Instead, I will be meeting with each of you for 15 minutes or so to discuss your progress thus far. I have created a schedule for meetings, please sign-up for a time. In preparation for this meeting, you will create a Sentence Outline. I will cover the sentence outline in Thursday’s class. Please bring your textbook to class on Thursday.

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