13.1: Paper Quick Hits

Today’s Plan:

  • Quick Hits

Edits, Comments, Yellow Highlights

Three ways I interact with your paper.


Official APA Paper Headings




What I’d like to see here is the attitudes from the focus group put into direct conversation with more background research. What attitudes toward climate change does that research set up? Which of those attitudes did you see in the focus group?

Also, thinking about Hultman’s Arnold solution–would that work with Male Number Two? Male Number Three?

Think of a paper like Aristotle’s theory of drama. Aristotle maintained that if you hammer a nail into a wall in Act 2, then somebody’s got to hang from it in Act 5. In other words, there’s no lost, meaningless action. If you show some research in Act 2, then I want it to connect to your findings in Act 4. If you show me some findings in Act 4, then I expect that there’s some research foreshadowing it in Act 2.

Inserting a Page Break for the Reference Page



Lydia Denworth’s article “Is There a Female Brain?” details other research conducted by Daphna Joel, a neuroscientist at Tel Aviv University regarding sex differences in the brain and serves as the foundation for this research paper.


Another part of his job includes overseeing the academy, and he is in a position to make changes as he sees fit.

Including Page Number Citations

You need to provide page number citations whenever you paraphrase a specific fact or idea (not just direct quotations). It can be tricky to recognize when you are doing this. Let me show a few examples.

One new approached that is discussed in Birzer & Tannehill (YEAR) offers a new approach: ’s article, A More Effective Training Approach for Contemporary Policing, is andragogy. Andragogy is simply the teaching for adults. It is based off of four different assumptions. The first is that people being taught with in the form of andragogy, are a self-directed learners (page number). The second is, that you are learning through experience, which will increase ones resources (page number). The third assumption is, using social roles to develop through different tasks (page number). The last assumption is that this person can shift learning from subject centered learning to problem centered learning (page number).

Let’s try another

Anshelm and Martin Hultman (YEAR) highlight the different opinions that men and women have in terms of climate change. Their research was over a three year period. Hultman and Anshelm’s research found that elderly men, in positions of power, tend to deny global warming more than anyone else. Based on this study I argue that the younger the generations get, the more open men are becoming to green behavior. The way that men in positions of power were raised, are not the same way men are raised today. When men in positions of power were younger they grew up knowing that women would be cooking, gardening and doing all the feminine stuff, so that the men could be out doing manly things.

Let’s Make this Easier to Read

Hultman claims that the way people are supposed to see men, not all men are like this, are strong and cool trucks, and not really showing care for the important things in life.

Let’s Fix that Header–Page Number


Bizup and Williams, Characters and Actions

Let’s revise examples and see how characters and actions make life easier on your readers.

To solve this, the development of andragogy was created.

Throughout the recent years there have been a lot of opinions on climate change. Neonicotinoids are the top three types of pesticides that are used on crops such as GMOs, they are relatively new which may account for why they are being blamed for the recent drop in bee populations.

As previously mentioned, andragogy is the ideal solution for solving the majority of issues that are the current concerns of police academies. The need for community policing, problem solving, and communication has since been acquired.

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