ENG 301 6: Introducing the Proficiency Projects

Today’s Plan:

  • Potential Client
  • Proficiency Projects
  • Homework

Potential Client

Let me share an email I just sent.

Proficiency Project

For the next 3 weeks we will be preparing to work with our client by exploring one of the competencies I mentioned in that email. I’ve put together units that require deliverables for you to follow. We’ll share results in class so that the other teams have a sense of the work you’ve been doing.

For the proficiency project, we’ll be developing materials for our English department, both building on work started last year and helping them with some much needed research and content development.

You will select from the following teams:

  • Social Media
  • Document Design
  • Grant Writing

The social media team will be charged with researching how other English departments are using social media to promote their department and engage their students. We have two graduate students who have already begun this work, and we will be extending it. This involves looking at social media feeds, clipping/summarizing post strategies, identifying and developing hash tags. Our focus will be on Instagram and Twitter.

The document design team will be charged with making assets that can be used in our social media feeds. I’m thinking of images with text that can be posted to instagram–we should develop a kind of brand for these (same layout, fonts, font-size, etc). This requires we know something about aspect ratio.

The grant writing team will work on a different project–one that familiarizes themselves with the grant writing process (research, drafting a letter of intent, developing an application).

Let’s dig in and look at the project choices in more detail.

  • Complete your team work
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