ENG 123 4.2: Group Bibliographies

Today’s Plan:

  • Group Bibliography
  • Homework

Group Bibliography

I’ve created a new assignment on canvas called the Group [Annotated] Bibliography (I bracket “annoated” because not all entries in the bibliography will be annotated). So far this semester you’ve all been collecting potential sources and relevant material. I saw that some of your bibliographic maps extended beyond the page! Now it is time to put all that material together in one place.

This means that I want you to include the entries from your bibliographic analysis and from your affinity analysis. Let’s pile a lot of material in one place. If two people have annotated the same article, then try to find a way to synthesize the annotations. Short is better than long.

I imagine that most of the entries will not have annotations. You have collected more material than you have had time to read.

As with your individual Worknet documents, I have made a template for this project. Note that entries have a hanging indent, and that annotations also use this indent. To insert spaces between paragraphs and maintain the indent, press “shift + enter.”

Because I enjoy making your life difficult, I want you to do this in APA format.

You can Google OWL APA format.


Read and annotate one article for the group bibliography. Copy and paste just what you write on the new article so I can reward you for this specific reading/writing assignment.

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