ENG 123 5.F: Booth Exercise / Proposal Assignment

Today’s Plan:

  • Booth Exercise #2
  • Proposal Assignment

Booth Exercise

I haven’t had a chance to go over the Booth exercise from Wednesday yet, but I wanted to take another crack at using the Booth reading to generate potential research questions. Booth shares what in rhetoric we call a “heuristic,” essentially a fancy name for a brainstorming exercise–a systematic process for discovering an idea.

  • Identify the Parts and How They Relate
    • What are the Parts of Your Topic? How do They Relate?
    • Is Your Topic a Part of a Larger System?
  • Trace its Own History and Its Role in a Larger History
    • How Has Your Topic Changed Over Time? When are the major events that shaped it?
    • What audiences/groups care about your topic? How have their perspectives about the topic changed?
  • Identify its Characteristics and the Categories that Include It
    • What kind of thing is your topic? What is its range of variation? What terms or names does it go by?
    • How do non-experts feel about your topic?
    • Where in popular culture do we see your topic?
  • Determine Its Value
    • What values does your topic reflect? What values does it support? Contradict?
    • How Good or Bad is Your Topic? Is it useful? Is it capable of abuse?

The next step: go through the responses above and ask yourself “so what?”

The Proposal Project

You should make a copy of this Google Document.


Your proposals will be due next Friday at midnight. I have office hours today if you have an idea about a potential project you’d like to discuss.

Reminder that we will not have class on Monday.

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