ENG 201 8.T: Rock Foundation Project

Today’s Plan:

  • Trick or Tweet Goes Live
  • Karsh and Fox review
  • Rock Foundation Project

Trick or Tweet Goes Live

Let’s talk about writing an email.

Karsh and Fox Review


  1. How Do I Know if I Need a Grant? 16-18
  2. Who Funds Grants? 18-21
  3. How Do You Find the Right Foundation? 21-23
  4. Approaching Foundations? 23-24
  5. Federal Grants 25-29
  6. Tools for Finding Grants 32-34
  7. How to Read a Grant Application Package? 40-42
  8. Am I eligible? 43-45
  9. ME: 45-46, 49, 51, 53

Rock Foundation Project

This document is set to view only (for now).

How to Summarize an Academic Article

Here’s the article in question.

What should an article summary highlight?

  • Claim / purpose for research / thesis: underline any parts of the article that specify what the author(s) were attempting to prove
  • Lit Review: what previous research do the authors cite? How are they using this research? What is specifically important for their study? Is there someone here whom they are attacking?
  • Methods: What did they do? Why did they do it this way? Do they reference any sources justifying their methodology
  • How do they present their results? What are their results?
  • How do they frame the significance of their results?
  • What do they hope are the “walk aways” for their article? What are we supposed to do differently (who are we?)?

For Next Class

Read Stuart and Voyles (2016). Submit a summary to Canvas (we will work with these summaries on Thursday).

For next Tuesday, read Karsh and Fox chapters 6 & 7 (I will also give us a sample grant application to analyze via Karsch and Fox).

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