ENG 225 12.M: Research Proposal Day

Today’s Plan:

  • Extra-credit reminder
  • How goes SuperBetter? Questions?
  • Research Proposal Assignment
  • Research Article Discussion

Research Proposal Assignment

Today I want to do a quick writing exercise that should help you develop a research question. First, I want to share the proposal assignment. We will be working on this all week. It is due this Friday at midnight.

Booth Exercise

I’m going to ask you to read a selection from Wayne Booth’s The Craft of Research. This reading should help prepare you to develop a research question for the final paper. Anticipating Booth’s strategy, I would specify that we want a meaningful and practical question. Booth’s strategy hinges on answering three questions as a way of identifying and narrowing a topic.

  • I am researching…
  • Because I want to find out… [who/what/where/when/whether/why/how]
  • In order to help my reader understand how…

Before I ask you to answer those questions, let’s do a bit of reading:

  • Pages 20-22, your relationship to your reader
  • Page 30, dealing with inexperience (Burke’s Parlor)
  • Pages 14-15, finding a topic in four parts
  • Page 41, 3.1, from an interest to a topic
  • Page 43, 3.2, from a broad topic to a focused one with four key terms: conflict, description, contribution, development
  • Page 45, Page 49: make sure you ask a question worth answering

A series of examples:

  • How does X’s description of Y differ from A, B, and C?
  • How could X contribute to our understanding of Y?
  • How has understanding of X developed over time?
  • How does X’s understanding of Y differ from Z’s understanding?
  • What are 3 different ways of fixing X problem?


In order to prepare you to draft a proposal, begin your second research annotation.

In Wednesday’s class we will examine proposals from the last time I taught ENG 123.

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