ENG 301 2.W: Coding Job Ads

Today’s Plan:

  • Checking in on Canvas Assignments
  • Coding Job Ads
  • Meet Face-to-Face on Friday
  • For Next Class

Checking in on Canvas Assignments

Any questions about your 10 job lists?
Let’s talk about Brumberger and Lauer.


  • How will students who contract Covid-19 and go into quarantine receive information given in class?
  • What is your advice for someone that has no idea what exactly they want to do once they get out of college but plans to enter into the business world?
  • What would you say would be the most useful thing for someone like myself who is aspiring to the world of publishing and editing to do to get noticed and stand out? What are the most effective ways I can build my resume to be an ideal candidate for publishing houses?
  • Secondly, do you think the writing job market will remain mostly remote post-Covid?
  • What led you to pursue teaching as a career? What is your favorite thing about being a teacher?
  • Is there room for genuine creativity in the working world for English majors? Do people still value the author as they did prior to the visualization of media? I feel like minute videos get consumed at an alarming rate and people no longer have the patience to participate in waking life. How do you feel about the change in media? Has it changed the way in which authors produce work in your eyes. Let me know. Also some questions I have for you: what is your favorite movie? What is your favorite song? Who is your favorite philosopher?
  • What was the best and worst movie/tv show that you watched in 2020 and why
  • How is the Destiny grind going? Also, did you get any other video games over break?
  • A question I have for you is do you have any kids? If so, how old are they?
  • What is this all about? Life I mean. And does it all hinge on others? If it is to procreate, well it takes two to tango. If it is about serving your fellow humans, well… you would need fellow humans. If it is about being self-serving, why are humans inherently social creatures?
  • We have no idea what consciousness is, right? Why? And is consciousness the same as free will? Isn’t consciousness essentially a collection of electrical impulses from neurons? And isn’t all matter a product of a previous event, i.e. cause and effect. “If determinism is true, then all a person’s choices are caused by events and facts outside their control. So, if everything someone does is caused by events and facts outside their control, then they cannot be the ultimate cause of their actions. Therefore, they cannot have free will.” (Wiki-Freewill)
  • Given the above inquiry, does that mean criminals were predetermined to be criminals? Does that mean then that society is convicting, jailing, and/or executing “criminals” unjustly?

Coding Job Ads

Let’s try more practice coding.

Meet on Fridays

Due to the MLK holiday Monday, I’d like to meet on Friday. If possible, I would like you to bring a laptop to class (you can check one out via the library). We are going to input codes into our collective spreadsheet.

For Next Class

I’d like you to code at least 5 of the ten jobs you have already selected. These are the codes that you will put into the spreadsheet on Friday. I’m going to push back the next reading and response until next week (since we are meeting Friday).

By next Wednesday, I will ask you to code 20 total jobs.

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