ENG 301 3.F: Describing Methodology

Today’s Plan

  • Elements of a Methodology Section
  • Quick Introduction to Genre / Let’s Read
  • Homework [Marc: At least 5 minutes to prep the reading]

Elements of a Methodology Section

If you Google Search for how to do a methodology section, you are going to see a pretty common set of expectations. Let’s take Indeed as an example, since it is currently the top hit on Google for “how to write a methodology section.”

  • Explain the purpose of the research
  • Explain the approach you chose
  • Explain any uncommon methods you use
  • Describe how you collected the data you used
  • Explain the methods you used to analyze the data
  • Evaluate and justify the choices you made
  • Discuss obstacles and solutions (relevant if anything went wrong during the research process)
  • Cite sources

So let me distill this down for this project:

  • Does the writer explain how job ads were collected?
  • Does the writer address previous research (Brumberger and Lauer)?
  • Does the writer explain the method of analysis?
  • Does the writer address reliability?


First, read the Carolyn Miller essay and complete the assignment in Canvas. Prep: a quick history on English departments and writing instruction.

Second, revise and resubmit your methodology section (you can resubmit to the same assignment).

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