ENG 328 2.R: ReMakes Crit and Mini-Project #2: Faculty Offices

Today’s Plan

  • ReMakes Crit
  • Work List #2: Faculty Offices
  • Introduction to Photoshop

ReMakes Crit

Here is a link to this semester’s slides.

Work List #2: Faculty Offices

Some of you took a swing at our terrible English Office signs for the first project. Good! Those are bad! We can make them better. Here’s what I want:

  • A poster design in Photoshop. I am going to print the Posters via Staples. The size will by 18 x 24. You have freedom to do a portrait or landscape orientation. The resolution must be 300 pixels. This will be a full color design. This means the design has to have a bleed. I have created an (almost blank) template file: link here.
  • I want something cool. This can be bright and graphic. It can be really English-ee, if that’s what you want (photos of books? A collage?). I do not want to spend money on something boring.
  • The primary goal here is to help students find faculty. Faculty names should be bold and noticeable. AND, faculty offices are clustered. It would be really cool if this design could include a map. But even if it doesn’t, names should be organized in a way that resembles the layout of offices. Here is a powerpoint the department uses to keep track of faculty offices.
  • Graphic photos are cool. If you have a recent iPhone or Android phone, then you can increase the camera resolution. I have an old crappy iPhone, so I am not sure when they started to include this functionality.

Because this is a pretty large project, I am going to push back the due date until Sunday the 28th at midnight.

Intro to Photoshop

I’m going to ask everyone to make the second Work List in Photoshop. The first day survey results were pretty much a 50/50 split regarding comfort with Photoshop, so we are going to start with a few basic tutorials today. On Tuesday, we are going to work with a few more in-depth tutorials on type. First, let me give a brief overview of the workspace and list off some basic tips.

  • If at any time you cannot find a panel in a tutorial, then go Windows > Workspaces > Reset Essentials. Sometimes as I am working I accidentally close a panel or click on a different workspace. This will take you back to home base. You will find this works in every adobe program.
  • Adobe programs are built around layers. In Photoshop, the layers tab is in the bottom-right of the screen. By default, images you import into Photoshop will be “locked” as a background layer. You can double-click on this layer to unlock it and make it editable.
  • On the left-side of the screen is the tool panel. Any tool with an arrow in the bottom-right corner has extra options. Left-click and hold to see those options.
  • There is an additional tool-bar at the top of the screen.
  • If you get into trouble with marching ants, then go Select > Deselect on the top tool-bar. Hold shift to add more, hold alt to take away.
  • Canvas vs. Image Size

In Photoshop, we are going to complete the Get to Know Layers and Get to Know Selections tools.

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