ENG 328 8.M: Literary Magazine Project

Today’s Plan:

  • Literary Magazine Project
  • Thinking about Book Covers and Genre
  • Type Some Text
  • Homework

Literary Magazine Project

Some vitals:

  • This will be an individual project
  • We will review projects in class on Friday the 13th
  • This will be a black and white design with no bleeds
  • This will be designed for 8 1/2″ by 11″ paper
  • This project has to include space for an Editor’s Introduction and organization (one page, text below)
  • This project will be exactly 22-24 pages long
  • This project needs to have at least one experimental page
  • You will print and bind one copy of your design

Here is the dummy text for the Editor’s Introduction:

Bacon ipsum dolor amet corned beef swine bresaola short ribs beef ribs. Short ribs prosciutto jowl, beef turkey ribeye meatball pork kielbasa brisket leberkas filet mignon cow tongue. Frankfurter capicola buffalo bacon sirloin, pork chop chicken pork loin prosciutto corned beef swine t-bone ribeye. Short loin pork beef ribs ham. Alcatra jerky boudin ham chuck. Pork cupim rump pork loin bacon landjaeger. Ham jerky tail sausage chislic cow pork belly ribeye pastrami tri-tip.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet chislic pork belly jowl tongue pig, drumstick rump turkey pork chop. Flank kielbasa cow pig, jowl rump pork belly boudin corned beef chicken ground round sausage pork chop. Filet mignon rump cow tail. Pork loin jowl pancetta short ribs ball tip tri-tip. Flank pork kielbasa picanha tenderloin drumstick short loin doner pork chop.

Thinking About Book Covers by Thinking About Genre (or vice versa)

Here is my stripped down design process:

  • Look at examples of what I need to make
  • Make a rough sketch
  • Yell at technology
  • Share
  • Revise

For this project, we have to design two different elements: a cover for a literary journal and a page layout for the journal.

Let’s get a jump on step one and look at some cover examples for inspiration. As we do this, we want to start keeping track of what we need to keep track of. Yes, that is a bad sentence. The goal here is to develop a sense of what decisions have
to be made, drawn from our purposeful examination of examples.

Let’s put some covers in here.

We Need a Plain Text File

We have some content that needs to go here.


In some ways, I think page layouts are more difficult than book covers. We need to think about the range of options available to us. For homework, I’d like you to look at a variety of different zine layouts and start thinking about your typographic layout. Here’s some literary magazines:

Here’s some zines:

For Wednesday, post to Canvas what kinds of things we need to think about as we design a print page. Let’s say three ideas, tied to three different sources. Feel free to conduct your own searches–don’t fell limited to my list here.

Focus on what looks good to you. Take note of what you don’t like. Your sensibilities matter here.

We’ll start Wednesday’s class reviewing your ideas.

Then I will give you time in class to sketch cover ideas (and I’ll share some image libraries for copyleft images).

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