ENG 329 8.2: Developing User Feedback Forms

Today’s Plan:

  • IRB/Participant Awareness
  • Checking in on videos
  • Friday’s Class
  • Developing Feedback forms
  • Developing Surveys
  • Friday’s Class

Developing Feedback Forms/Methods

Today’s class should build on the work you did last week. I want your groups to nail down precisely what you need from participants. Use the IRB form I shared with you (and the UNC IRB guide) as a kind of template. If you are using intro and exit surveys, then develop those in class today. I would like you to have all of these materials ready to distribute in next Wednesday’s class. That way, we can all start our 30 day experiments on Thursday, March 8th. The experiments will run through Friday April 6th.

As you have seen, I use Google Forms for surveys. There are other options out there. I link Google Forms because they are pretty easy to use, and they store the findings in your google drive.

Developing Surveys

Because I anticipate that all the groups will develop surveys, I want to talk a bit about survey design.

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